Education / Training

Just out of School?


Apprenticeships are the main route into metals careers for those just leaving school. Most employers now recruit their future technical specialists and business managers into apprenticeship positions to give them the best possible start and enable them to become valuable members of their company's team as quickly as possible.

Doing an apprenticeship gives you a structured career development program, that is fully supported by the industry. It ensures you gain the skills, experience, and qualifications you need to progress in your chosen occupation.

You will be fully employed by your company in a real position, such as an apprentice production operative, engineer, draughtsman, or sales estimator and receive a salary from day one.

The value of the apprenticeship to young people is that it is designed by employers in the industry, so it is directly relevant to the actual job roles available and is recognized by employers. In fact, over 90% of apprentices go on to achieve full-time permanent employment either during or directly after completion of their apprenticeship. Most find they are commanding competitive salaries (well above average in the NWPA region), as well as taking on positions of responsibility and becoming respected members of their company.

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